Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Case Study Tale of two airlines Free Solution Click Now

Question: Write a latter Tale of Two Airlines. Answer: To: Elizabeth Windsor Chief Executive Officer From Research Analyst Date: 21.06.2015 Re: Context line: Based on the case study of tale of two Airlines- London-based Airline and Atlanta-based Airline, the report is analyzed the essential contribution of the technological advancement for an organization. Due to technological deficiencies, passengers of the London based airline faced significant flight delays. Thus results cancellation of flights, angry passengers at terminal and so on. On the other hand, Atlanta Hartsfield, one of the nations busiest airports has faced many issues related general stress and pressure of all staff of airlines (Warren Macfarlan 2002). This report identifies substantial pressures and opportunities to accomplish long-term service for customers or recommended hostility through their performances. Action line: Airline service is completely depends on favorable weather. According to the case study, Professor McPherson faced several difficulties in the way of catching flights from Hartsfield Airport to reach the London based airport for his meeting. The bottom line of the case study is the expectation of what constitutes good service have enhanced dramatically. The airline flying to London was delayed due to bad weather, the efficient security services of the first class cabin crew members and un-integrated services by the airport authority with the pilot of the airline. To resolve all these identified problems, the new technologies require fundamental changes I training and attitudes. Recommendation shall be applied for several areas such as usage of electronic devises for improved security services, production line transformation as well as transformation of organization. Rest of the memo: To improve the service of the London-based Airline, the business environment needs to be changed. Here the passenger security check system needs to be transformed under to provide full security to their entire customer. To transform this weakness into the potential strength, the London based airport needs to ensure early warning of suspicious behavior by introducing the intrusion detection, monitoring equipment and security guarding responses (Warren Macfarlan 2002). Furthermore, an integrated database system needs to be developed. By using multiple, integrated technologies, the airport can detect intruders and can be possible to tract them in real time (Pierson and Sterman 2013). In the case study, Mr. Professor Roger was travelling within checking his bags and it was not detected by the existing security system. Therefore, the structure of the information system is highly desirable for providing high level customer service. There are many strategic issues have been identified in the case study, The London based airline needs must attend passengers diligently. This has been observed that no agent was in the sight to attend the air bridge detection. It indicates operational deficiencies which need to be improved. Making it happen seamlessly requires the integration of the wide technologies with the current database so that the management can take the prompt decision (Prokhorova and Chobitok 2016). Furthermore, the substandard customer service and behavior of the cabin crew members also needs to be improved. For instance, the Atlanta based airlines was provided the commendable services from the entry gate of the plan to the reach at the arrival destination. Here the Atlanta Airline has already made changed in training and attitudes however, the other one needs to be improved their services. Prior airline has already provided services as per customer demand such as serving drinks as per personal preferences , tight wireless communication with the airport authority and so on (Warren Macfarlan 2002). All these needs to be incorporated by the London based airline for better customer services under the changed and more integrated organizational culture. References: Pierson, K. and Sterman, J. (2013). Cyclical dynamics of airline industry earnings.System Dynamics Review, 29(3), pp.129-156. Prokhorova, V. and Chobitok, V. (2016). controlling in airline enterprises management system.pnau, 66(1). Warren Macfarlan, F (2002).Tale of Two Airlines in the Network Age: Or why the spirit of King Goerge III IS ALIVE AND WELL. 1st ed. Harvard business school.a

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